


Who are the employees concerned and which companies can offer a CSP?
The economic redundancies qualifies for this security contract, since the company has impacted less than 1,000 employees . Whatever its size, the company will be subject to this same system if it is in reorganization or in liquidation. To be eligible for these support measures, employees must meet the same eligibility criteria as for the return-to-work allowance (ARE).

How to benefit from the CSP? A well-organized procedure

For dismissed employees, the company must inform them of the existence of the CSP, but also of the possibility offered to them to take advantage of it. The delivery of a document may be made during the interview prior to dismissal , or during the last meeting with the staff representatives; consultation of representatives being necessary to continue the dismissal procedures. The information may also be provided the day after the official notification of the validation of the Employment Protection Plan (PSE). In all cases – letter delivered by hand, collective information, registered letter, etc. – this information must be signed by a receipt, attesting to the date on which the employee received the information document on this system for securing the return to work .

In this dismissal procedure, the dismissed employee benefits from a period of reflection. The employee has 21 days to accept or refuse the CSP .

If the employee accepts, the termination of the employment contract is immediate , and this termination is defined as resulting by mutual agreement. And if the targeted employees refuse, the collective economic dismissal procedure continues, without them being able to claim these actions of reclassification and personalized support. At the end of the cooling-off period, the CSP therefore comes into force only for those employees who have accepted it.

Benefits of CSP for beneficiaries

The compensation for notice is not paid directly to employees with more than one year of service (these indemnities are paid by the company to Pôle Emploi within the limit of 3 months’ salary). Compensation is paid for employees with less than one year of seniority. This allowance pre notice is paid based on the amount of the monetary compensation that the employee would have received if he had really done his notice. The notification of dismissal being effective, the employee therefore has two main aids to help him find a job.

Personalized reclassification

An individual interview, qualified as a pre-assessment, will be carried out in the first 8 days, either by Pôle Emploi or by an authorized body. A Pôle Emploi advisor will support the employee throughout this 12-month period. Many actions can be proposed, from a skills assessment to retraining or adaptation training. Employee job search is supported throughout the duration of this securing contract, and reclassification assistance notably involves the proposal of training actions .

A professional security allowance

In addition to these redeployment measures, the employees concerned receive professional security allowances , the amount and calculation methods of which are more advantageous than the traditional return-to-work allowance (ARE). Unemployment compensation during the CSP does not comply with the general rules of Unemployment Insurance.

Up to 75% of the daily reference salary , this specific allowance may also be paid, in full or in part, when the employee finds a permanent or fixed-term employment contract. A differential allowance can also be granted if the employee’s new salary is lower than the gross salary of his previous job.

How to finance distance training with the CSP?

The professional security contract can be likened to the reclassification obligation made to companies with more than 1,000 employees (reclassification leave, reclassification cells, etc.). Job seekers concerned by this job security system can take advantage of this period to train , in order to aspire to other trades and professions. Since they have an advisor assigned to this security plan, they will be able to consider continuing training and / or validation of acquired experience. The resumption of employment for the economically redundant often leads them to pass under the status of trainee of vocational training.

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