Business Talks: Everything You Need to Know About WHOIS
A website needs domain name registration to get identified online. Whether you have a small business located in your area or an online business, you need a website and domain to reach your potential customers. Finding a domain is not easy, for there are more than two billion websites on the Internet and they are registered with most of the domain names. With the Whois domain search, you can check if a particular domain is available or taken. For your business in the UK, you can check the UK Whois directory for complete details of ‘.uk’ domain names.
The UK Whois service enables you to get information about a particular domain name. For that, you have to enter a domain name in the Whois UK domain lookup tool, which will search the Whois record and other directories and display complete information about the domain name on a new page.
What is UK Whois
The UK Whois includes full information about .uk domain names. You can find the name and address of the registrant, contact number, email address and related Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of UK domains registered by companies, individuals, organizations and governments. It also gives you the details of the domain’s server, the name of the registrar and registration and expiration dates.
All the details about the UK domain registration stored are called UK Whois data and it is managed by separate registrars and official registries. The registrars take care of the domain registration of the extension ‘.uk’ and its variations.co.uk, .me.uk, .org.uk, .sch.uk, .net.uk, .plc.uk, .cymru, .ltd.uk, and .wales.
How does UK Whois respond to your domain search?
To know whether a domain name is registered, you can check the UK Whois tool, which offers the latest information about the registrant. However, a registrant’s details are shown on the Whois only if the consent to publication has been given to them. The non-public data can be obtained only for legitimate reasons like enforcement of legal rights, or on submitting a Data Release Request for certain details.
How does UK Whois domain search affect you?
The domain name registration requires the personal details of the registrant, which includes the name and address, contact details and registration and expiration dates of the domain. These details can be viewed by someone on Whois directories. You may not know if spammers, hackers, scammers and identity thieves access your details.
How can you protect your private information?
With a reliable domain name registrar, you can opt for domain privacy services to safeguard your personal information. One who tries to view your information cannot access it with Domain Privacy Protection. The domain registrar shields your private information and redirects the query, requesting your domain details somewhere else. To have the privacy protection, you have to subscribe for it.
With the UK Whois search tool, you can thus find the registration status of a domain before choosing it. If a specific domain is not available, you can check for its expiry date to acquire it later if it becomes available.